What Will You Learn?
Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF) supports you to explore your aspirations. You are given the space and opportunity to extend your thinking beyond what you want to do, to also consider who you want to be in the future. This subject supports you to learn more about yourself, your place in the world, and enables you to explore and deepen your sense of belonging, identity, and connections to the world around you.
EIF prepares you for your SACE journey with the knowledge, skills, and capabilities required to become a thriving learner. As an introduction to the SACE, you will be empowered to take ownership of where your pathway leads: uncovering your interests, discovering the world, exploring work and/or further learning.
Who Is This Course For?
This course is for all students who wish to gain their NTCET or an ATAR. Exploring Identities and Futures (EIF) is a compulsory course.
What Do You Need?
- Access and ability to use Microsoft platforms such as Word, PowerPoint, Publisher and Excel.
- Access to Canva is encouraged, but not compulsory.
Target Audience: Stage 1
Length: 1 Semester
- Teacher: Caitlyn Benson
- Teacher: Madeleine Brodie
- Teacher: Rebekkah Crawford
- Teacher: Maverick Farrer
- Teacher: Jess Harnett
- Teacher: Rohit Kumar
- Teacher: Sarah Riley-Smith